Monday, December 31, 2018

Removing Labels from Jars

File this under {useless? crazy? may need it at some point?} interesting things I have learned. Or may never need again?

I recently purchased spaghetti sauce in nice jars.  (Thanks to a tip from a coupon site they were inexpensive!).

I then decided to recycle the jars and fill them with homemade bath salts. The problem was ~ how to get the labels off the jars!

A quick internet search yielded Arm and Hammer Washing soap.  Two problems.  #1. I didn't have any and this would require me to run to the store to get some.  #2. It apparently needs to be handled with care and I didn't feel like dealing with it. (Hmmmm, I'm starting to sound lazy.)

I found another solution via an internet search.  A simple solution. And I'm all about simple!
Soaking in oil and baking soda

Oil {as in vegetable, canola, etc. any cooking kind} and baking soda.

Now this I had at home!  I took the jars, put them in a dishpan (the oil does make a greasy mess) and added the baking soda and hot water.

I let the jars sit for a few minutes and came back. The labels peeled off easily.  I then let them sit for a little longer. The total time was about 30 minutes.  I took a cloth and scrubbed the labels off. (It did not take much effort, but I wanted them to be clean.)  And it worked!

Incidentally, I had forgotten one jar. I had it soaking and it was then put in the dishwasher. I figured the label would come right off since it had been soaking for quite a while. However, to my dismay it did not. It may have been re-glued on with the heat of the dishwasher.  I had to resoak it again! It then came off easily.

After just few minutes you can see the label peeled off easily.  

Monday, November 26, 2018

{Who Sang The First Song?} by Ellie Holcomb

I recently had the chance to review the A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E book by Ellie Holcomb (illustrated by Kayla Harren) Who Sang the First Song?  This book is Ellie's first book.

First, knowing Ellie's amazing Christian music heritage is just a plus. (I grew up hearing of Brown Banister's work!).  Add in her musical and motherhood experience and you have what you need for a beautiful book!

Much should be said as well for the beautiful illustrations by Kayla Harren in Who Sang the First Song?  Each page comes to life with the amazing pictures!

This book is perfect for bedtime reading or even bedtime singing. It would make an ideal gift for children ages newborn to age five.  After some repeated reading five year olds (even younger) may memorize the words and be able to "read it" themselves!

I was given a free copy for my honest review.

Monday, November 19, 2018

More Jesus Less Chaos ~ Book Review

I recently had the opportunity to read Sacred Holidaysby Becky Kiser.  This author was new to me, but apparently has quite a Facebook and blog following. In fact, refining the holidays and making them sacred was something new for me to think about.  Granted, I have thought about holidays and family traditions, but this book does offer a new perspective!

In Sacred Holidays, Becky, encourages the reader to take baby steps. I appreciate the fact that she shares that one cannot do it all and high encourages baby steps!  I love her all or nothing mentality that she figts to overcome.  Becky shares, “I’m the person who is either 5 percent or 155 percent in.” (page 20). Hence the need for baby steps!  

Becky also offers grace for those who start to refine their holidays. I love the tagline of the book, “Less Chaos, More Jesus”.  Becky shares, “…be flexible, give yourself grace, and find the way that the Lord unfolds for you.” (page 43).

This book offers several practical (and I’m ALLabout practical!) tips of suggested holiday ideas.  It is balanced with the idea of not to overwhelm! I can’t wait to look up the summer bucket list on her website!  

Becky does touch on the sometimes Christian “controversial” topics of Santa, the Easter Bunny and Halloween.  It was interesting to read her take on each and possibly agree to disagree, which the author graciously allows.  

It was interesting to reflect on the fact that “While our culture is very much removing the celebration of Christ from Christmas, it has very little intention of removing Christmas.” (page 126).  How do that impact how Christians respond?

I enjoyed reading Sacred Holidaysand appreciated the new perspective it offered.  Becky writes, “My greatest advice to you , as it is throughout this book, is to ask the Lord what this holiday should look like for you. Remember that you are forming a sacred way and that won’t happen overnight and be done perfectly in one season. One baby step at a time, one year after another.” (page 126).

I was given a free copy of Sacred Holidays by Becky Kiser for my honest review. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Gay Girl, Good God ~ Book Review

I recently had the chance to read and review Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry.  First, I understand this can be a super controversial topic today.  At least, that's how the book may appear. Surprisingly, the book was not what I expected. What did I expect? Well, Jackie probably describes it best via the term "Heterosexual Gospel"
I really appreciated Jackie's perspective and insight throughout this book.

Really it comes down to one concept. We are ALL sinners in need of Jesus.

Period. End of sentence.

Jackie offers great insight and wisdom through her personal experience in Gay Girl Good God.

Watch out church because Jackie tells it like it is. "In an effort to be kept by some other means, many saints have found themselves on a path paved by self-righteousness and good works and not the gospel." (pg. 103)

Jackie also shares how society today has twisted God's original intent for womanhood.  It is not the 1950's image, the liberated image, but rather what the Bible teaches. Which is so much more than all that. And some much more profound!

Reflecting on the the call Jesus has for each of us: "If it were all as easy as I'd want it to be I would've been happy, but I doubt I would've been whole" (page 137). Really this is our flesh battling with what Jesus calls us to be - holy and set apart. It's not easy friends, and Jackie brings that point home.

Jackie also shares, "Do you know why we have a hard time believing that a gay girl can become completely different creature? Because we have a hard time believing God." (page 145)

Jackie also writes, "The root of all sit is unbelief in God."  (pg. 160). As I said, this book is really the gospel, just told based on Jackie's story!

 Jackie shares, "God isn't calling gay people to be straight" (page. 177).

I appreciate that fact that Jackie is honest with the church. She lays it out there in a Biblical way. You might not agree with what she has to say (it is based on the Bible), but know that Jackie says, "the reason to turn from sin has always been so we can turn toward Jesus" (page 190)

Jackie's insight and experience are invaluable to the church today. It is relevant. I was given a free copy of Gay Girl, Good God for my honest review.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

You've Got This (Because God's Got YOU!)

I recently had the opportunity to read You’ve Got This (Because God‘s Got You). I had never heard of KariAnne Wood nor her blog. I look forward to  checking out her blog as she references it for decorating tips in the book. I thoroughly enjoyed  You’ve Got This (Because God‘s Got You). This book is a short, small book of 52 devotionals to uplift and encourage you. And it does just that. These are basically short stories or potential blog posts that can be read in a quick amount of time. This book would make a great gift.

KariAnne is real and authentic in sharing while writing this book. She offers encouragement and hope and keeps it simple and honest. I enjoyed reading the stories of her single life, eventually married life and now parenting life. KariAnne shares many stories that are relatable to many, however, those who will relate most are mothers. 

I enjoyed reading You’ve Got This (Because God‘s Got You) and would recommend this small, encouraging quick read! I was given a free copy of You’ve Got This (Because God‘s Got You)for my honest review, which I was happy to do!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Great Pumpkin Dessert

The recipe is so good and so easy. The nice thing about this recipe (and many I have!) is that you can have most of the ingredients on hand. That way if you decide last minute to make it you can! Or if you need something last minute you have it!

1 can (15 oz.) solid pack pumpkin
1 can (12 oz.) evaporated milk
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1 package yellow cake mix (any brand)
3/4 cup butter melted (I sometimes cut this back to 1/2 cup)

Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar and pumpkin pie spice.  

Put in a greased 9X13 pan.  Sprinkle with cake mix. Drizzle butter over.  

Bake at 350 for 40 minutes (or more) until knife comes out clean.

Of course I do not have a picture of the finished result! I prefer to refrigerate it after it cools!


Monday, October 1, 2018

Warrior Moms ~ Prayers for the Battlefield!

I was recently blessed with the opportunity to read Prayers for the Battlefield by Heidi St. John.  First, I was unfamiliar with her work or her ministry.  However, I was quickly delighted by her writing. In Prayers for the Battlefield, Heidi shares relevance wisdom and insight from her journey of raising her children and launching them.  This book is relevant both to mothers who have young children as well as mothers who have already launched their children from the home. It is a quick simple read that offers amazing insight based on scripture.

When I start reading a book I have to make a decision, will I underlined in the book or not? I'm happy to say that this book was definitely a book to underline. In it, Heidi St. John offers is invaluable insight to all mothers. This book is a great reference to have handy when needed!

Heidi shares, "Parenting is faith work at every stage..." She also shares practical wisdom on having VICTORY through Jesus in your parenting.  Heidi shares that, "God put the right arrow with the right warrior" (Meaning the right child with the right mama!)

I was given a free copy of Prayers for the Battlefield by Heidi St. John for my honest review. I was happy to provide this review and will be recommending this book to others!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Fruit Flies

So we have had a nasty time with fruit flies. It always seems to happen this time of year. For many years I have LOVED Terro! The product worked great and all went well. However, over the years they changed something, or it has become less effective!

Soooo, I decided to try something a little simpler! And something I've used in the past. And much cheaper. I took some cider vinegar and a little dish soap (any brand - Dawn, Joy, etc.)
I put that in a dish (no need to mix) and within an hour or so I had fruit flies!

I've since had to put them all over the house.  I (sadly) pitched the Terro one.)

I will add that "newer" vinegar is not as effective as vinegar you've had around for a little while, but both work. The nice thing about this is that after a day or so you can dispose of the fruit flies and vinegar and then add new vinegar and dish soap! They do tend to last for about two days and then you need to change out the vinegar/dish soap.  

Friday, September 21, 2018

Case Keemun ~ Playing For More!

Playing For More shares the journey Case Keemun as he travels from a young man to the star football player he is now! And let me tell you what ~ his journey hasn’t always been easy. 

When looking at an NFL star, you’d think that things always went their way, especially on the football field. Case shares his ups and downs throughout life and his journey to where he is now. 

Disclaimer: I am a football mom. I do not understand the game as well as many and do not follow the NFL like some. However I did thoroughly enjoy Case’s book! What a gift to readers, both football fans and non football fans. As well as both young and old. 

I must also mention the huge influence Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) has had on Case and his family. What a delight to read about the impact of FCA. 

I was very encouraged reading Playing For More and would recommend. I was given a free copy of Playing For More for my honest review which I have given! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

It's All Under Control ~ Or Is It? Book Review!

Wow! It’s All Under Control by Jennifer Dukes Lee is a gift. For anyone who has ever struggled with control - or not even struggled with control, but just failed to give God control, you will want to read this book. Honestly, I thought Jennifer might have looked directly at me and written this book about me. It was a breath of fresh air as Jennifer shared that’s its ok to be a strong leader and work hard to care for those around us!  It’s ok to do what God has called you to do! However, God has also called for balance. I am confident this book will resonate with many women today. 

Perhaps the most enlightening part is when Jennifer shares that you do want to care for others. You do want to help them. And your motives are genuine. They flow from love. However, sometimes that love can turn into control.  Jennifer shares, “there’s a fine line between unhealthy control and healthy control and that line is drawn with the pen of good intentions.”  Amen sister!  

Jennifer also shares that “When we begin to follow Jesus, we relinquish that control. But we constantly try to steal it back because we think we’ll be safer if we ate in control”. Oh momma, how many many times have you felt this way????

This definitely was a pen book. What do I mean by that?  Well once I start a book I need to decide if I am going to write in it or not. After the first chapter, I knew I needed to have a pen handy. At all times. It was definitely a book to underline!  

Jennifer takes you on a journey of looking at your motives, your choices, your heart, and your faith. She also offers resources both in the book and online. (At the time of this review they were not yet available online. However I can’t wait until they are). A Bible study is also available to accompany this study!  It’s going on my to do list!  Wait, Jennifer shares how to handle that to do list as well! How to give it to Jesus! Daily

I could share many quotes from It's All Under Control. However, in order to keep this review manageable, I will spare the reader. Instead I’ll encourage you to check out Jennifer’s whit, humor, personal stories, practical advice and insight and read It's All Under Control for yourself. 

I am thankful for the opportunity to read It’s All Under Control. I was given a free copy for my honest review. 

Visit Jennifer Dukes Lee here

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Around Christmas time I decided to start leaving water bottles and snacks for our delivery people.  FedEx, UPS, the mail carrier, the dry cleaners, etc.  I just try to keep snacks supplied in the bucket. Over winter this was just fine. Water bottles would even freeze. 

Then summer came! I wanted to keep it up but had no clue how. Then I decided to freeze a few water bottles. Anytime I know ~ or think I know ~ a package is coming I put out a frozen water bottle.  

Imagine my surprise today when I got this note.  

This really touched me because I know that delivery people are under a tight schedule. They must keep moving and don't have excess time to write notes. However, this driver took the time to write a note!

I realize this may not work for everyone. We have a great space for leaving packages.  I appreciate it when the delivery people take the time to do their job well.  I would encourage you to look for ways to bless those around you!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Struggle IS Real ~ Book Review

The struggle is real! We often hear that hash tag today and can easily use that phrase to describe significant and insignificant life circumstances. In the book The Struggle Is Real,  Nicole Unice looks at the many struggles Christians face today. She uses her background in counseling to address those struggles. She related our story - including the story of our perception versus the story that actually happened and how we can rewrite that story. Unice uses many examples from her years of ministry and counseling to draw on her wisdom for The Struggle Is Real. She shares how to have freedom in Christ and get into a freedom cycle. 

Honestly, this book was not what I expected. I was hoping for more personal stories from the author but instead it was harder to follow than I had hoped. The author does share that she does give more examples and expands on her book in the Bible study that accompanies the book. For me, the struggle was real to hang in there and finish the book! I’m not sure if it’s Unice’s counseling background that lost me or if I just was hoping for more personalized stories. It would be interesting to see if the Bible study is more relatable. I was given a free copy of The Struggle Is Real for my honest review. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

College Packing List

Well, last year I did it! I sent my baby off to college. I had searched and searched for a college packingg list. I compiled and compiled. Here's what worked for us! Note: I didn't take many cleaning supplies! His dorm was not clean when we took him to college! So that got added at the end! 😀

College Packing List:
2 sets twin XL sheets
1 twin XL mattress pad
mattress topper
laundry bag or basket
drying rack
trash can
bags for trash can
surge protector
desk lamp
parking pass
Lysol or Clorox wipes
Laundry detergent 
Any food you want
Water filter pitcher
Key for safe 
Command hooks
Shower caddy
Clip on light for your bed
School supplies
Insurance card
Body wash
Driver’s license
Shower shoes
Cell phone
Storage for under your bed
Extension cord
Charger cord for phone
Any medicine you need
Post it notes
Towels (3)
Washcloth (3)
Rug for at your bed
Rubber bands
Paper towels 
Ziploc bags
Dish soap
Refrigerator magnets
Stain spray
White out
Notebook paper
Tape measure (to see if something will fit in a space!)
Zip ties
Extension cord
Command poster strips to hang up white board, etc.
Small organizer bins (for desk drawers)
Dustpan & brush
(optional broom or vac)
Cleaning supplies (just in case the dorm room is not clean!)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Start With Praise...Book Review

I had the unique opportunity to preview the brand new book Start with Praise by Sally Burke and Cyndie Claypool De Neve.  What a joy it was to read Start With Praise.

However, you must know the book is not just about praise as I thought it was going to be! This book is about the four steps of prayer based on the Lord’s Prayer!

Throughout this book, Sally and Cyndie take you on a forty day journey of learning how to pray as Jesus prayed!  Start With Praiseis filled with stories and practical examples using these four steps.  

The first ten days focus on having a heart of praise when you pray. The next ten days are focused on confession and then a ten day focus of Thanksgiving. The book concludes with ten days concentrating on intercession. Often, when we pray, we tend to focus all our time on intercession! Using this book as a tool will help you develop your prayer life into a time of not just asking God for your needs but also praising who He is, confessing to Him and thanking Him.

Some may recognize Sally Burke from her role at Moms In Prayer International. Sally draws on her experience at Moms In Prayer to help readers understand and appreciate the power of prayer.

Start With Praiseis an excellent resource on prayer. I was given a free copy of Start With Praisefor my honest review, but would have purchased it anyway as it is an great book!

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Summer Salsa

This is the BEST salsa ever! Thanks to my sister-in-law for the recipe! 

2 (15 oz.) cans black beans (rinsed and drained)
2-3 diced tomatoes
1 onion, diced
2 peppers, diced
1 cucumber, diced
1 zucchini, diced
2 cups corn (using some that you froze off the cobb is best!)
1/2 cup vegetable or canola oil
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
2 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. garlic powder
2 tsp. or so cilantro

Combine all ingredients and mix well.  Store in refrigerator. 

Note: Feel free to add more or less vegetables based on what you have! I usually do not follow the recipe for the veggies for this recipe! I do make this year round!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Funeral Lemonade

Funeral Lemonade

Well, this needs some explaining!

This lemonade is so good and has a ridiculous amount of sugar. That's probably why it's so good. But why is it called funeral lemonade? Because my church serves it at funerals!!!

The lady from church who gave me the recipe said to "just dump ingredients in".  I prefer to measure!

Mix to make one gallon  Country Time Lemonade 
1 cup sugar (more or less to taste, I stick with 1 cup. I know it’s a LOT!)
1 orange sliced
1/2 lemon sliced

Mix lemonade mix and sugar together in a gallon pitcher.  Add some water and stir. Add some more water (to make a gallon) and stir well.  Add in lemon slices and orange slices.

This lemonade is best if it sits for a little to blend flavors.

Add more lemons or oranges.
Add orange juice instead of the oranges.

Serve in a pretty jar and you have some great lemonade!

I'll leave it up to you if you want to call it funeral lemonade!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

7 Day Pickles!

This year, for the first time in a LONG time, I decided to make 7 day pickles.

For all your mommas out there, please know that for MANY years this just was not do-able! And quite frankly, after all the time and energy it really is cheaper to buy them in the store! BUT, my daughter loves growing pickles and I had this recipe from about 25 years ago, so I decided to make them!

I'm proud to say that canning methods came back to me after all those years! But, before I get too proud, please know that first batch I made of these should have been called 8-day pickles and the second batch should have been called 6-day pickles! (OPPS!)

7 lbs. pickles washed
8 cups sugar
4 cups cider vinegar
2 TBS pickling spice
2 tsp. salt (I don't usually add salt in any recipe)

Wash pickles. Put in a clean crock or bucket (something that can withstand boiling water). Boil water and pour over pickles. Do this on Day 1. Then empty water and boil new water for Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4. On Day 5 slice pickles. Make a syrup of 4 cups vinegar, 8 cups sugar, 2 TBS pickling spice, and 2 tsp. salt.  Bring to a boil. Pour over pickle slices. For Day 6 drain the sugar mixture and boil the sugar mixture. Pour over pickle slices.

Day 7: Boil entire contents - pickles and sugar mixture together.

In the meantime - make your mason jars hot. I put mine in a 300 degree (or 250 degree) oven.  Boil your lids (not rings) for your mason jars and put you canner filled with hot water on the stove (enough to cover the jars) to boil.

When everything is ready, take a hot jar, fill with pickles and syrup (check the rim of the jar first for cracks - run your finger over it. If it's smooth you are good to go.).  Take a spatula and put it down the side to get air bubbles out.  Wipe rim clean. Place a hot lid on the jar. Fill up 6 jars (that's how many you can probably put in your canner).

Put bands on the jars.  Process in boiling water in canner for 10 minutes. Once you take the jars out you may hear a popping noise. Make sure all lids stay down (If you push the middle they should not spring up).  Remove bands.  Store to enjoy another day!
Boiling syrup and cucumbers

Processing in the canner

Sealed and ready to enjoy later!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Norwex VS. Young Living

Ok, so this is a post I didn't think I'd write. But I just write them as they come.

Norwex vs. Young Living

First, I am a HUGE Norwex fan. Like really I love the stuff.  I use Young Living, but I have to admit it IS expensive. I save on other stuff. Well, some days I'm not convinced.  

So I love to thrift shop and yard sale. I found this cooler for $5. I asked if they would take $3. They said yes. I was nearing the end of my yard sale time and seriously only had $2. They took it.  

I'm going to assume the cooler was used for marine purposes. If it was something else - no need to let me know. I'll just keep on assuming.

I brought it home, all excited to fix it up and had a use for it.  

First order of business was to order replacement latches. Thank you Amazon.  ✅
Next order of business was to clean the cooler.

Thank you new pressure washer.  ✅


The pressure washer didn't work. Seriously? So I thought, "Ok, I'll soak it in clorox". However my husband first suggested bathroom tile clearer. We did both. No such luck.

I just let it sit and then finally decided to tackle it. (Clorox and water in a cooler will apparently attract and kill flies. Who knew?) I planned on using my Norwex cleaning paste.  But, just for fun, I thought I'd mix up a recipe I had printed from Young Living.  I asked my daughter which she thought would do better. She (without hesitation) said Young Living. I however, knew the Norwex cleaning paste would win.

And so it began! Fortunately I remembered to take a before photo!!
Ready to start cleaning! This is a mess!

So I started with the Norwex! Which I knew would win.  

This is after using Norwex and a LOT of elbow grease. I decided it wasn't worth the elbow grease!
I then decided to mix up the Young Living past using these ingredients.

The showdown. (Photo compliments to my 9 year old. Can you tell?
This was the side I started with for the Young Living mix.

This is me. Adding elbow grease. Either way it took a LOT but the Young Living mix definitely took less.
Almost done. But still needed some more work.  The Young Living mixture was amazing!!!! Don't be fooled though it still took elbow grease. I did need to mix up another half batch and then another half batch. The second time I mixed the liquid ingredients first and then added the baking soda.  That made more of a paste. 
Almost done but I was determined to get the ring around the top where the lid rested clean. 

Finally done!  Was it worth it? The satisfaction of a job well done definitely was! Would it have been cheaper to purchase a new one? Hmmmmm....maybe.

The mix I used:
1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup Thieves household cleaner
1 tsp distilled white vinegar
10 drops lemon oil 
Combine in a glass bowl- texture will be like a paste. Store in an air right container and best if used within 3 months. Note: Mix liquid ingredients first then add baking soda!

Go here to start using Young Living and purchase the Thieves and Lemon Oil!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Blessing of Blessing

 Many years ago I knew someone very well who worked for the township road crew. Through this experience I have learned the importance of blessing those who work on the road crew. Please note this applies to pretty much everyone we come in contact with!!!  However in order to keep it simple and real, this is one specific way to bless those who work for the road crew.

 To clarify I am talking about your local township (city, or boro) men and women who work on repairing the roads, plowing snow, cleaning out side gutters, painting lines, etc.

 This idea was further reinforced by Karen Ehman in her book Listen Love Repeat.

 When I see the road crew working nearby, I will either head to the grocery store quickly (if time allows) or try to plan ahead for the next day. I will stock up on drinks, cups (that I hopefully have on hand anyway) and possibly any other treats that I may want to give them.   Then I simply stop, and deliver them the cool refreshing drinks and treats. They especially appreciate this when they are working on a hot road, pouring blacktop on an extremely hot summer day!

 I just do this whenever time allows or God presents the opportunity.

 What I’m going to share next must be understood that it is definitely not my motive! This just happened as a byproduct of many times of stopping to deliver treats to the road crew.

 A few weeks ago our road bank needed mowed. I kept wanting to call the township and let them know that, when they had to chance it would be nice if they could mow it.  Sidenote: I completely understand they are busy and  I am the last person to ask for something, but this was a safety concern.

 I happened to be driving past the township maintenance building, and decided I would just stop in instead of calling to ask them to mow the road bank. So I stopped in and tried to find someone who was in charge. Before I knew it several of the guys are like,  “Aren’t you the lady on (such and such a) road? You bring the snacks!”  I said, “Absolutely! Let me know when you are coming again and I will make sure to have something for you” In fact one gentleman even remembered my first name. I was shocked!

 So, the next time you see the local township road crew think about considering getting them something small and just thanking them for their time and service! And don't hesitate to see who else you can share kindness with!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Cleaning tip

OK, so I HATE to clean. BUT, I've discovered this little tip. It's another crazy tip.  Remember these two products from a previous post?

Well, I have another use for them! Some time ago I discover that lemon oil was great at cleaning white boards.  So I've been using it since.

Welp, the other day I discovered that this is even better!
Yes, Clinique Take the Day Off Makeup Remover does a great job on cleaning white boards. Even the marks that lemon oil will not get off! Who knew? 

Confession: I keep them both in my cleaning basket!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Sticky Situations!

Mark this as one silly, crazy thing I have learned along the way....

How to remove something sticky. Like leftover glue from a sticker. Or any other type of adhesive.

I have no clue how I discovered this.  But for what it's you go.

If you have sticky residue left on something, or you need to saturate a sticker to get it off, use Clinique Take the Day Off Makeup Remover.

Don't ask me how or why but it works. Seriously.

For added clean up, use lemon oil.

Stay tuned for another post on one more use for these items...this one may be a little crazier!!!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Just Let Go! Book Review!

Quinn Collins ~ Fiesty, independent and a woman who knows what she wants. But does she? She's been hurt in the past. Will that affect her future and any potential relationships? She finally has her dream of owning her own flower shop ~ that of her mother's. But why did her mother leave so suddenly?  Why didn't her mother ever return? Then someone new comes to town.  And causes T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  Who is this Olympian Grady Benson and why do people stop and stare when he is around? Is his skiing career really over?  Why does he act like he does? Any hope for redemption in his life? 
Once you start reading Just Let Go you will not put it down! You will want to know what is really going on in Quinn's life and if there really is redemption for Grady.   I did enjoy Just Let Go.  I had never ready Courtney Walsh so I have not read any books in this series.  I loved the content and would recommend Just Let Go. However, I do have to say there was a time or two that I had to recheck what the author was stating as it was a little unclear. Ie. at first I thought a boy mentioned was a young child. I then went back to recheck after the author stated he was 15! This would be great beach reading and if you are a fast reader you could read it in a day or two! 
I was given a complimentary copy of Just Let Go by Tyndale House Publishers for an honest review. Which you can see, I have happily provided! 😀

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Strawberry Pie!

It's strawberry season here. I made strawberry pie the other night and the kids asked for more. So I made three more last night! Children were claiming a pie or two for their own!

This recipe comes from the best kind of cook book! A church cook book! One that has all the pages splattered (or at least the pages with the good recipes!) and had to be rebound (big thanks to my cousin for helping with it!).

Here you go!

Strawberry Pie

1 (3 oz.) package strawberry Jell-o (about 2/3 cups)
1 cup water
2 TBS cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
1 quart fresh strawberries
1 pie crust, baked, or a graham cracker crust

Mix Jell-o, cornstarch and sugar in pan.  Stir in water. Place on stove and cook until thick and clear (may take more than ten minutes) stirring frequently.  Pour into baked pie shell or graham cracker shell.  Chill 2-3 hours. (Optional: can top with whipped cream when ready to serve)

Notes: If you use a graham cracker crust it will taste better, but the crust will get soggy quicker!

I almost didn't add this photo due the shadow ~ but decided to keep it real! 😉