Tuesday, August 28, 2018

It's All Under Control ~ Or Is It? Book Review!

Wow! It’s All Under Control by Jennifer Dukes Lee is a gift. For anyone who has ever struggled with control - or not even struggled with control, but just failed to give God control, you will want to read this book. Honestly, I thought Jennifer might have looked directly at me and written this book about me. It was a breath of fresh air as Jennifer shared that’s its ok to be a strong leader and work hard to care for those around us!  It’s ok to do what God has called you to do! However, God has also called for balance. I am confident this book will resonate with many women today. 

Perhaps the most enlightening part is when Jennifer shares that you do want to care for others. You do want to help them. And your motives are genuine. They flow from love. However, sometimes that love can turn into control.  Jennifer shares, “there’s a fine line between unhealthy control and healthy control and that line is drawn with the pen of good intentions.”  Amen sister!  

Jennifer also shares that “When we begin to follow Jesus, we relinquish that control. But we constantly try to steal it back because we think we’ll be safer if we ate in control”. Oh momma, how many many times have you felt this way????

This definitely was a pen book. What do I mean by that?  Well once I start a book I need to decide if I am going to write in it or not. After the first chapter, I knew I needed to have a pen handy. At all times. It was definitely a book to underline!  

Jennifer takes you on a journey of looking at your motives, your choices, your heart, and your faith. She also offers resources both in the book and online. (At the time of this review they were not yet available online. However I can’t wait until they are). A Bible study is also available to accompany this study!  It’s going on my to do list!  Wait, Jennifer shares how to handle that to do list as well! How to give it to Jesus! Daily

I could share many quotes from It's All Under Control. However, in order to keep this review manageable, I will spare the reader. Instead I’ll encourage you to check out Jennifer’s whit, humor, personal stories, practical advice and insight and read It's All Under Control for yourself. 

I am thankful for the opportunity to read It’s All Under Control. I was given a free copy for my honest review. 

Visit Jennifer Dukes Lee here

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Around Christmas time I decided to start leaving water bottles and snacks for our delivery people.  FedEx, UPS, the mail carrier, the dry cleaners, etc.  I just try to keep snacks supplied in the bucket. Over winter this was just fine. Water bottles would even freeze. 

Then summer came! I wanted to keep it up but had no clue how. Then I decided to freeze a few water bottles. Anytime I know ~ or think I know ~ a package is coming I put out a frozen water bottle.  

Imagine my surprise today when I got this note.  

This really touched me because I know that delivery people are under a tight schedule. They must keep moving and don't have excess time to write notes. However, this driver took the time to write a note!

I realize this may not work for everyone. We have a great space for leaving packages.  I appreciate it when the delivery people take the time to do their job well.  I would encourage you to look for ways to bless those around you!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Struggle IS Real ~ Book Review

The struggle is real! We often hear that hash tag today and can easily use that phrase to describe significant and insignificant life circumstances. In the book The Struggle Is Real,  Nicole Unice looks at the many struggles Christians face today. She uses her background in counseling to address those struggles. She related our story - including the story of our perception versus the story that actually happened and how we can rewrite that story. Unice uses many examples from her years of ministry and counseling to draw on her wisdom for The Struggle Is Real. She shares how to have freedom in Christ and get into a freedom cycle. 

Honestly, this book was not what I expected. I was hoping for more personal stories from the author but instead it was harder to follow than I had hoped. The author does share that she does give more examples and expands on her book in the Bible study that accompanies the book. For me, the struggle was real to hang in there and finish the book! I’m not sure if it’s Unice’s counseling background that lost me or if I just was hoping for more personalized stories. It would be interesting to see if the Bible study is more relatable. I was given a free copy of The Struggle Is Real for my honest review. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

College Packing List

Well, last year I did it! I sent my baby off to college. I had searched and searched for a college packingg list. I compiled and compiled. Here's what worked for us! Note: I didn't take many cleaning supplies! His dorm was not clean when we took him to college! So that got added at the end! 😀

College Packing List:
2 sets twin XL sheets
1 twin XL mattress pad
mattress topper
laundry bag or basket
drying rack
trash can
bags for trash can
surge protector
desk lamp
parking pass
Lysol or Clorox wipes
Laundry detergent 
Any food you want
Water filter pitcher
Key for safe 
Command hooks
Shower caddy
Clip on light for your bed
School supplies
Insurance card
Body wash
Driver’s license
Shower shoes
Cell phone
Storage for under your bed
Extension cord
Charger cord for phone
Any medicine you need
Post it notes
Towels (3)
Washcloth (3)
Rug for at your bed
Rubber bands
Paper towels 
Ziploc bags
Dish soap
Refrigerator magnets
Stain spray
White out
Notebook paper
Tape measure (to see if something will fit in a space!)
Zip ties
Extension cord
Command poster strips to hang up white board, etc.
Small organizer bins (for desk drawers)
Dustpan & brush
(optional broom or vac)
Cleaning supplies (just in case the dorm room is not clean!)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Start With Praise...Book Review

I had the unique opportunity to preview the brand new book Start with Praise by Sally Burke and Cyndie Claypool De Neve.  What a joy it was to read Start With Praise.

However, you must know the book is not just about praise as I thought it was going to be! This book is about the four steps of prayer based on the Lord’s Prayer!

Throughout this book, Sally and Cyndie take you on a forty day journey of learning how to pray as Jesus prayed!  Start With Praiseis filled with stories and practical examples using these four steps.  

The first ten days focus on having a heart of praise when you pray. The next ten days are focused on confession and then a ten day focus of Thanksgiving. The book concludes with ten days concentrating on intercession. Often, when we pray, we tend to focus all our time on intercession! Using this book as a tool will help you develop your prayer life into a time of not just asking God for your needs but also praising who He is, confessing to Him and thanking Him.

Some may recognize Sally Burke from her role at Moms In Prayer International. Sally draws on her experience at Moms In Prayer to help readers understand and appreciate the power of prayer.

Start With Praiseis an excellent resource on prayer. I was given a free copy of Start With Praisefor my honest review, but would have purchased it anyway as it is an great book!