Sunday, May 23, 2021

Growing Slow Bible Study


Growing slow by Jennifer Dukes Lee is a “six week guided journey to unhurrying your heart.”

 I have read another book by Jennifer Dukes Lee which was amazing. This Bible study is an excellent resource in our fast paced, always moving world.  Coming off the pandemic where we all slowed down and now returning to life as usual this is a particularly applicable study.  While recommended to have the book that accompanies the study, it is not necessary. I love that there is an access code for the free videos and the leaders guide.

This study is a six week journey however it is not divided into days. Rather there is week one, week two, week three, week four, week five and week six. You can decide to do as much or as little in a day throughout the week as you desire. Or you could do all one week in one sitting.

Each week starts off with a let’s get started question. Then Jennifer Dukes Lee shares a little bit about her background. Then goes into a study time with lots of scripture. You will need a Bible to look up the verses and it is very heavy on using the Scriptures. There are also practical steps for moving forward. Finally prayer and reflection of the end.

Growing Slow would be great to do individually, or as a group. I highly recommend the study. I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review, which I was happy to do.

Never Miss by Melissa Koslin

 Never Miss by Melissa Koslin is a modern-day fiction thriller that might be personal considering the recent Covid outbreak. However it is a keep you on the edge of your seat modern day fiction. Kandace was raised in a sniper family. We will never truly understand her background, however it is extremely intriguing. She is connected with Lyndon and quickly becomes attached to him, most unlikely for her character. Lyndon is an overwhelmingly intelligent scientist. His methods and thinking are amazing.

Never Miss is an amazing thrilling fiction book. I very much enjoyed the story. It is great to read all of the connections the author makes throughout the story. Readers will definitely be impressed with how the story weaves together. 

I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review which I was happy to do. I highly recommend Never Miss by Melissa Koslin. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Love Centered Parenting

 Initially I wasn’t too excited to read Love Centered Parenting by Crystal Paine. On the front Crystal writes “the no fail guide to launching your kids”.  Anytime an author says they have no fail advice I am hesitant. However I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed Love Centered Parenting. Crystal relates the story of how one of her children was having an issue at school. She then comes to find out there are many more issues as well as depression. Crystal‘s world is turned upside down. She needs to rethink all of her parenting styles and strategies. Through the book, Crystal shares the healing and shift in her parenting. Crystal says this book is for parents of younger children to elementary age, but I would recommend it for up to high school. This book is all about raising your children to launch them, or release them well. While the strategy is not unique to Crystal she does share some definitive examples and advice.

Crystal has a list of suggested parenting practices we need to encourage for independence in our children. These include being fully responsible for their own homework and projects, email their teachers when they have a question, have difficult conversations with adults and peers, contribute to the household, and plan their own social events.

Crystal ultimately shares that “love centered parenting means you don’t have to carry around the weight of feeling like you’re not doing enough because He is enough.” 

I did thoroughly enjoy Love Centered Parenting. I found the book was filled with practical advice. Crystal learned many tough lessons through her parenting and shares her insight with others. I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review which I was happy to do.