Monday, February 14, 2022

Food Triggers by Amber Lia

In Food Triggers, Amber Lia shares her journey of exchanging unhealthy patterns for God honoring habits. Amber has struggled with her weight over the years. Her turning point was after she had her four boys. She knew she needed to do something and decided to have a  mindset change along with follow through actions. This resulted in significant weight loss, as well as a redirected life path.

Amber shares many ideas as to the why behind weight gain. I will caution you that she doesn’t explain too many of the how to concerning weight loss. Tips include: clean out the pantry and remove trigger foods, buy a cookbook that provides healthy recipes, join a health plan focused on lifestyle changes, pray over your grocery list, thank God for His good provisions. Sign up for an exercise class at the local gym. Keep a food log or journal. Notice marketing strategies that lower you toward unhealthy patterns. 

Amber and her husband do have a coaching weight loss business. Many times as I was reading I was looking for actual recipes or solutions but instead it was more about the why behind weight gain and the cycle of habits. There is however, a lot of scripture included which is encouraging.

Food triggers does offer some significant insight as to your why. It is a motivating book. I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review which I was happy to do. I did enjoy Food Triggers. 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Mrs Witherspoon Goes to War by Mary Davis

Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War is part of the Heroines of World War II series. Mary Davis shares the story of Peggy Witherspoon, a widow and mother of two daughters. She lost her husband due to the war in Europe. She is a motivated pilot in the WASP service. She is disconnected from her children due to her husband‘s death and her grief. She is focused on her mission and being the best at her job.

Major Howie Berg is suddenly stationed at her command. She is intrigued by Major Berg and feels sympathy for him due to his leg injury. However Peggy and her fellow servicewomen are determined to do all they can to spare any other women the grief that Peggy has experienced. Will Major Berg agree with their decisions? What about the way Peggy‘s daughters react to Major Berg?

Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War is the fascinating tale set in World War II. I enjoyed this historical fiction and would recommend this book. I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review which I was happy to do.