Saturday, January 11, 2020

What's So Wonderful About Webster by Stephen & Alex Kendrick

What's So Wonderful about Webster is a cute, fun, creative and energizing children's book inspired by the movie Overcomer! Stephen and Alex Kendrick do a great job with a captivating story about an elementary student and his upcoming field day. Webster is trying to figure out what event he will excel in. The problem is that he doesn't excel in many events - that are obvious!

The illustrations are fun as is the story! I mean what is better than a dog named, "Barfy"? Or a teacher named "Ms. Pumpernickle"? This book is practical and will resonate with kids! I love the positive message and Biblical principles included in this sweet picture book.  This book will be an encouragement to those who struggle with knowing their talents as well as those who need to realize that others
do struggle with finding their gifts.

The parent discussion page at the end is a great tool for sitting down with your child, reading that passage and answering the discussion questions.  This book would also make a great gift. I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review which I was happy to do.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Art of Friendship ~ Kim Wier

The Art of Friendship by Kim Wier takes an honest look at friendship (or the lack there of) among women today! Kim uses her vast experience as a wife, mom and women's ministry leader to teach about friendship. In The Art of Friendship, Kim talks about using social media today as an excuse for authentic friendships, the importance of studying the Creator of Friendships and using the ultimate Model of Christ for our friendships!

Kim encourages you to take an honest look at your friendships, as well as yourself. This book offers some great insights and I did learn some new ideas that I had never considered before. While Kim offers great insight, I wish there would have been a few more practical ideas in the book!

All in all I did enjoy The Art of Friendship and would recommend this book. I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

An Uncommon Woman ~ Laura Frantz

An Uncommon Woman by Laura Frantz is an enthralling novel! Honestly, I couldn’t put it down! 

Tessa lives on the family homestead. She enjoys working with her family on their homestead despite the loss of her father to the Indian's amid the turmoil on the frontier. Her brothers keep her busy as she helps her mother. At 25 years old, there are not many marriage prospects. Oh how Tessa longs to visit the big city - specifically, Philadelphia.  

Clay has just returned from Philadelphia, where he was hailed as a war hero.  Clay is ready to resume his duties at the Fort, and does not have any intention of finding love.  But when his cook, Hester, plays matchmaker with her great niece....

This book is historical romantic fiction, set in the 1770's. You will be captivated by the story.  For me, it was riveting and thought provoking!  I recommend this work of fiction, even though some of the vocabulary was specific to the time period and a little more difficult to understand. Nonetheless, the story was an excellent, enjoyable read!  I was given a free copy of An Uncommon Woman from the publisher for my honest review.