Sunday, March 31, 2019

Lies Girls Believe [And the Truth that Sets Them Free]

I had the privilege and honor of reading Lies Girls Believe by Dannah Gresh.  This is an amazing book. Run to the store or get online and grab this book for your daughter. I would suggest this for girls ages 11 to 14. 

Dannah does start off letting the mom or reader know that this is a book that might tackle some issues your daughter isn’t quite ready for. I would suggest that your daughter know about upcoming changes to her body before she starts to read.

Lies Girls Believe exposes 20 lies that girls tend to believe. Dannah writes “straight on” telling the truth and explaining those lies in the book. I love the way it’s written and  laid out as a journal that girls can write in and make as their own. 

Lies Girls Believe  is an invaluable resource for all tween girls. Churches, youth groups, moms groups, and moms all need to be looking for this book and using it with their girls. There is also a mother’s guide to go along with it. I’m anxious to check that out as well. 

I was honored to be given a copy from the publisher for my honest review. I highly recommend Lies Girls Believe by Dannah Gresh. 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sick Of Me!

Sick of Me was an interesting and what I will call “heavy” read. I have to be honest that this is not a personal feel good story. Although Whitney does share some of her own, life this is more of a theological teaching type of book. The content is rather heavy and spiritual. After all the subtitle is from transparency to transformation. 

 In Sick of Me, Whitney shares about “suffering well”. She shares a little of her own journey and how she learned to “suffer well” through the process.She also elaborates on confession. Whitney writes that through confession and sanctification only God can fix me. One cannot fix themselves. She also teaches that confession is better than condemnation. 

Whitney also calls for open transparency among friendships and within the church. Whitney shares that conviction comes from the Holy Spirit; condemnation comes from self and is used by Satan 

 In Sick of Me, Whitney also challenges us to stop chasing happiness and start pursuing holiness. 

I was given a free copy of Sick of Me for my honest review which I was happy to do. 

<Sidenote:  I do have to confess I did find the cover very interesting!>

Monday, March 25, 2019

Grumpy Mom Takes A Holiday

I had the chance to read Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday by Valerie Woerner

I loved it.

BUT, I have to be honest. When I first got this book, I thought, oh, I'm just going to look over it, and then review it. I think it's totally for moms of toddlers and won't apply. Check.

Then I started reading........ um, well, um.

 I got my toes stepped on a little bit.

If you're read my posts you know that it's the all important decision - to underline or not to underline. I had decided before reading the book, no underlining and giving the book away. In fact, someone asked for it and I said, "Sure you can read it and keep it.".


Let's just say I needed the pen and may or may not ask for it back.

Valerie takes on real issues of control, prayer, the sacrifice of parenting (or JOY of parenting!), seasons of life, quiet time, fellowship, friendship and so much more. Grumpy Mom Takes A Holiday not only explores the challenges of motherhood and marriage, but offers practical advice with solutions!

I think what impressed me most was the wisdom Valerie shared from such a "younger mom" stage of life.  Valerie shares in a real way with her own stories, failures and lessons along the way.

I really appreciated Grumpy Mom Takes A Holiday and would highly recommend. Unless, you don't want to get your toes stepped on!!!

I was given a free copy of Grumpy Mom Takes A Holiday for my honest review which I was happy to give.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Resources Part One: For Parents!

I have been asked to put together some resources and I'll be posting them over the next few weeks. I would love to hear your resources!

First a disclaimer: 

Vigilance. Please note: As a parent it is your responsibility to be vigilant. Please do not take these resources and use them without checking them first for your family!

Here are some resources for parents, mostly moms! {In no particular order!}

For Parents (Mainly moms):
Axis Ministries
Axis Ministries (different ministry than above):
Moms in Prayer:
Praying Scriptures for your children:
Arelene Pellicane
Lee Nienhuis
Never the Same Youth Ministries

We need help from others! This is Fern Nicholas, Founder of Moms in Prayer, International! 

Monday, March 18, 2019

New from Kim Vogel Sawyer ~ A Silken Thread

I had the opportunity to be "sucked" into read A Silken Thread by Kim Vogel Sawyer. I loved it!!!

A Silken Thread is set in Atlanta, Georgia in 1895. Kim Vogel Sawyer starts off with a letter to the reader preparing them for one theme that is tackled in the book - racism.  She addresses a difficult, but very real topic.

A Silken Thread is an in depth novel looking at life in the South with the expansion of the silk mill. Laura is tasked (not asked) by her older siblings to look after her mother for the rest of her days and give up her dreams to find a beau.  In an eventual twist, Laurel goes to work at the silk exposition. However, not everyone is happy about the use of silk, and seeks to destroy this new venture.

Kim Vogel Sawyer introduces several other characters that you will enjoy reading about along with Laurel and her adventures.

This book is a great novel and I highly recommend for beach reading! Or any vacation when you can get away and have time to just focus on a book!  The topic of racism will make you think, and you will enjoy the history of the time period.

I was given a free copy of A Silken Thread from the publisher for my honest review. I read the book in 3 days(!) and was happy to give my honest review!

Simple Recipe ~ Taco Dip

My daughter loves to bake! She recently had a great time making baking lots of wonderful dishes. However, I realized we needed a "healthier" option. So here's a good one from a friend! My daughter loved making this one.

Taco Dip

1 (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup salsa
veggies (tomatoes, peppers, onions, cucumbers, zucchini, etc. take your pick. Do any or all)
shredded cheese

Mix cream cheese and salsa.  Spread in the bottom of a pan (can be 8X8 or a glass pie dish, etc.) {Double if using a 9X13 dish}
Top with veggies and then cheese. Chill.
Serve with nacho chips.  Will not keep too long in refrigerator. Best eaten in a few days.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Open Door Living!

I loved Just Open the Door by Jen Schmidt! You can find that review here.  I now had  the chance to read Open-Door Living also by Jen Schmidt. And it didn't disappoint!  {Disclaimer: I'm also doing the Just Open the Door Bible Study which is currently FREE at Lifeway right now!!! I love free!}.  So I'm slightly immersed in Jen Schmidt!

I loved Open-Door Living! It is a beautiful, simple, gift-type book that shares many great Biblical hospitality ideas. Jen offers practical "mom of 5" advice for opening your home.

I love the recipes she shares and the book is worth it just for that. Add in the conversation starters and Biblical motive behind hospitality and it's even more beautiful.

Jen is an (in)courage author and will motivate you to share your home in a beautiful way!

I was given a free copy of Open-Door Living by the publisher for my honest review and was happy to provide just that!

When Life Doesn't Match Your Dreams!

Wow! I had the awesome opportunity to read and review When Life Doesn't Match Your Dreams {Hope for Today from 12 Women of the Bible} by Jill Eileen Smith. First, I have to be honest. I started reading this book and it was not what I expected. I almost stopped. BUT, I'm glad I didn't! I kept reading and found it to be so good!

When Life Doesn't Match Your Dreams {Hope for Today from 12 Women of the Bible} is an amazing piece of work. First Jill takes you to the story of a woman from the Bible. (She starts with Eve.) She then imagines (based on the Bible and some creativity) how it would be for Eve. Then Jill relates the story to life today and often Jill's own life.  Jill then takes you back to Eve and finally back to life today. I would often catch myself to engrossed by the story of the women of the Bible! I had to keep reminding myself it was fiction!

I really appreciated how Jill weaved some of her own life into the book.

And I have to admit, this is the first book I've read by Jill Eileen Smith! I need to check out her fiction books. She writes in a way that inspires you to check out the Bible, see and understand what the women would actually be feeling. It gives you a whole new appreciation for women of the Bible, real women!

I highly recommend When Life Doesn't Match Your Dreams {Hope for Today from 12 Women of the Bible}. I was given a free copy of the book from the publisher for my honest review. Which I was more than happy to do!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Wiersbe Study Bible - Be Transformed by the Power of God's Word

I had the opportunity to review The Wiersbe Study Bible (New James Version).  This Bible is loaded with great resources!  First, you need to know that this IS a study Bible. Therefore, it's not light, and not one that you would tend to carry around with you!

This Bible features Dr. Weirsbe's introductions to each book, an amazing concordance (!), preaching outlines, cross references, red letters (cue the David Crowder song), 7800 verse notes (you know, the "insight" at the bottom of the page!), along with wisdom from Dr. Wiersbe.

The Wiersbe Study Bible is a great tool to have for your personal study Bible!  I enjoyed the commentary, and especially the detailed concordance in the back of the Bible. Each book of the Bible has a "Book Outline" which shares a little about each topic.  Then there is a "Book Overview" offering insight on the book. Finally there is a "Be Transformed" section, which is a challenge for the reader.

One thing I really liked about this Bible was the font size and print. It IS readable!  (Cheaters only needed for the fine print of verse cross references.)

The Wiersbe Study Bible would also be a great reference for Pastors and Layleaders.  However, I'm not so qualified to speak on that, so I'll just say that I found it as a great tool for those not in full time ministry!  I love the subtitle too: Be Transformed by the Power of God's Word!  We know that the Bible is sharper than a two edged sword. It does have power. This is a great way to get into God's Word!

I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review! Which I was happy to do!

Check out additional resources here.