Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Blessing of Blessing

 Many years ago I knew someone very well who worked for the township road crew. Through this experience I have learned the importance of blessing those who work on the road crew. Please note this applies to pretty much everyone we come in contact with!!!  However in order to keep it simple and real, this is one specific way to bless those who work for the road crew.

 To clarify I am talking about your local township (city, or boro) men and women who work on repairing the roads, plowing snow, cleaning out side gutters, painting lines, etc.

 This idea was further reinforced by Karen Ehman in her book Listen Love Repeat.

 When I see the road crew working nearby, I will either head to the grocery store quickly (if time allows) or try to plan ahead for the next day. I will stock up on drinks, cups (that I hopefully have on hand anyway) and possibly any other treats that I may want to give them.   Then I simply stop, and deliver them the cool refreshing drinks and treats. They especially appreciate this when they are working on a hot road, pouring blacktop on an extremely hot summer day!

 I just do this whenever time allows or God presents the opportunity.

 What I’m going to share next must be understood that it is definitely not my motive! This just happened as a byproduct of many times of stopping to deliver treats to the road crew.

 A few weeks ago our road bank needed mowed. I kept wanting to call the township and let them know that, when they had to chance it would be nice if they could mow it.  Sidenote: I completely understand they are busy and  I am the last person to ask for something, but this was a safety concern.

 I happened to be driving past the township maintenance building, and decided I would just stop in instead of calling to ask them to mow the road bank. So I stopped in and tried to find someone who was in charge. Before I knew it several of the guys are like,  “Aren’t you the lady on (such and such a) road? You bring the snacks!”  I said, “Absolutely! Let me know when you are coming again and I will make sure to have something for you” In fact one gentleman even remembered my first name. I was shocked!

 So, the next time you see the local township road crew think about considering getting them something small and just thanking them for their time and service! And don't hesitate to see who else you can share kindness with!

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