Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Simplified KJV Bible

The Simplified KJV (The Trusted King James Version...Just Easier to Read) is a newer version that is easier to read. This version has minor, non-contextual updates. Barbour Publishing has taken the original King James Version and simplified it. Some instances include art become are, gavest becomes gave, updated forms of thee, thou and ye, modernizing older terms, pronouns for God are capitalized (He, His, You, Yours, Me, etc.), quotation marks are used for spoken languages, modern punctuation is used, and paragraphs are added.

The Simplified KJV is more like a book than what you may traditionally think of as a Bible layout. The book overall is smaller and easier to use. There are no longer two columns for chapters, but rather one page. Verse markings and chapter markings still remain.

Reading through the version it is simplified and seems to remain fairly true to the KJV. However from someone very familiar with a traditional Bible this will take a little adjusting to. Overall, this appears to be a welcome alternative for someone new to the Bible, or looking to read the Bible with an updated format.

As I said, the columns no longer exist so this is more like a traditional book. Red letters are still used. Pages are thin but that probably helps with size. Cover is beautiful.

I do appreciate this updated version and the ease of carrying this thinner Bible. I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review which I was happy to do. I am excited about this updated version and the ease of use of this Bible.

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