Wednesday, February 20, 2019

American Omens! by Travis Thrasher

I had the opportunity to read American Omens by Travis Thrasher.  This thrilling novel is listed as both Christian Science Fiction and Christian Prophecy.  I will admit it's not a genre I can read quickly.

I did enjoy American Omens, but had to keep telling myself "it's fiction"! You can easily see how the United States of America could end up as the author suggests.

I was fortunate to be given two copies of the book for my review and my mother-in-law shared her thoughts:
"This book is an exciting story about the world, showing the state of the United States now and the way it may develop and how God uses us to change the future development of the United States.
It tells the story of three groups of people and how their lives eventually intersect. It also uses scripture verses to change their lives.  It is a study of God and evil's influence in the way we live our lives. I am eager to read a sequel should there be one!"

I know my mother-in-law really enjoyed the genre and the plot. For me, it was a slower go and harder to keep straight! But I would recommend this book! It does make you think!

I was given a free copy of American Omens in exchange for my honest review.

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