100 Prayers Every Christian Should Know features a wonderful compilation of prayers by a variety of individuals. This book is a gift featuring various prayers. Topics include prayers for peace and comfort, guidance and light in the darkest hours, adoration for God, changed hearts, justice in the face of evil, a nation to be moved, pain and grief, faith to be strengthened, thanksgiving and gratitude, mercy when our hearts stray, faithfulness, and humility. There are prayers from William Tyndale, Ronald Reagan, John Calvin, Andrew Murray, Dwight L.Moody, Billy Sunday, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Fanny Crosby, Jonah and many others.
Prior to each prayer is a brief introduction as to who the person sharing the prayer is. Then there is Why This Prayer section that explains why the prayer was prayed. This is a great resource for all believers. I was given a free copy of the book on the publisher for my honest review which I was happy to do. This book is a fantastic resource that I highly recommend.