Saturday, March 14, 2020

Our of the Embers by Amanda Cabot

Out of the Embers by Amanda Cabot is book one in the Mesquite Springs series.  Evelyn always feels that someone is watching her when she must leave the orphanage and head into town.  She needs to head into town to sell the doilies that the children have made.  One of the children, Polly, is with her on her latest trip.  Ready to set home, the wagon breaks down. Once they finally are able to journey home, they discover the entire orphanage has burned to the ground. No one is left and no one from the town really cares. They never really cared for the orphanage anyway.  Evelyn must take Polly and flee. But where? How? And who is watching her? Why?

This delightful tale book you on an adventure set in the 1850's.  There are lost of exciting twists and turns and it is an intriguing tale. I did find it a little confusing on some of the characters, but if you are patient, will all come together in the end.  Out of the Embers is a fun read and best of all it's the beginning of the series, but can be read alone.  You will come to love the characters in the book and enjoy the story.

I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review, which I was happy to do.  I do recommend Out of the Embers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review Out of the Embers. I appreciate it.
