Friday, January 25, 2019

Norwex Laundry Detergent

Laundry. Sigh. I do a lot of laundry.  So, I've had lots of practice.

My favorite laundry detergent? Hands down Norwex!


1. Cost. It is price effective.  Currently a bag costs $24.99. {Keep in mind to add in tax and shipping costs!}  Ok, you think, that's a lot!  Well, it would be unless you figure out how long it lasts.  

I do crazy stuff. Once someone asked me how many loads of laundry I do a week.  Five kids. At least three sports. Lots of laundry. Add in picky kids who know the value of money (hey, they have to buy their own clothes! Yes the older ones do!) and they DO want to take care of their clothing.'s a lot of laundry.  How much? Well, one week I did 23 loads. The next week I did 28. After that it was too depressing to keep track!  ðŸ˜‰ Not really. So the average based on two weeks is 25 1/2 loads per week. Now, I live with a statistician, so I know my research isn't very scientific!  

One bag of Norwex, with about 25 loads per week lasted me 84 days (or 2 months, 22 days.) {No, I did NOT figure that out on my own! I had a website do that. Keeping it SIMPLE here!} If I average 3.5 loads per day, that's means the bag lasted for 300 loads. (Note: the bags says it will last for 100 loads). To be fair, I have a Speed Queen Top load.

Prior to this experiment,  I had done another experiment with a bag of Norwex.  That time I had a front load washer.  I had one bag of Norwex last for 117 days or 3 months 25 days.  What was the difference? With a front load you can use a little bit less Norwex.  

However, I tend to use about a teaspoon.  {Not responsible for children who use more.}

That bag lasted for about 417 loads.  

So what was the cost?  About 8 cents per load for one experiment.  Then about 5.9 cents for the second experiment mentioned.  (This is based on a cost of $24.99. To be fair, due to tax and shipping calculations based on $27.99 would be 9 cents per load, or 6.7 cents per load. However, it is fair to note that there are ways to get Norwex with a lower cost!)

I'm curious if anyone else knows how much they spend per load? 

2. Oder eliminator.  If you've had a teenage boy I do no have to proceed.  However, it you don't, go smell a runner who just ran for 100+ minutes. Or a football player after a workout. Or a wrestler after a workout. No further explanation needed.  The top load does do a better job with odor, and most times I simply use Norwex powder detergent.  Norwex generally takes care of the odors.  It does seem to be gentle on clothing too.  

In tough loads I do use a capful of liquid Febreze in laundry oder eliminator.  Let's face it some of these odors are NASTY.  I know, I know, it's not natural, etc. But unless you've smelled this smell, you can't appreciate it.  And I can't find anything else to eliminate it. I will occasionally put a few drops from an empty essential oil bottle filled with water in the load as well.  However, this is rare.

I do store my Norwex in jar. An open bag gets sealed in a plastic zipper type bag.  I have tried the liquid Norwex and did not have as much success.  

~Keep in mind: As they say in couponing YMMV (Your milage may vary. Meaning you might not have the same experience as I do!)

1 comment:

  1. Sue, I would love to know how you handle your older kids paying for their own clothes. A friend and I were just discussing this!
