Saturday, August 29, 2020

How Was Your Day?

Ever ask your child, "how was your day?" Especially the very first day of school? When you want to know ALL about it? And all your child says, is "good".  Or "fine". 

Well, I was tired of it and wanted to know more! So, I created a family friendly contest to help my husband and I out!

Now, this will work better with kids who can text, BUT you would always make this a paper and pencil project! (Get creative!)

Every first day of school or first day of the semester,  I send out a text in our family group text.  I tell the kids that I am the unfair judge. They will get money if they participate (hey, we all need an incentive). The more they send, or more creative, the more favorable I will be!

We have gotten everything from selfies with the principal, to videos about their day, to most importantly, details we would have never known had I not asked for this/held this contest.

My husband and I are always amazed at what our kids will share and since we've been doing this it has been a joy to hear these details!  We usually do this the first day of the school year and the first day of the second semester (works for college kids too!)  Make sure you put a deadline.  

Friday, August 28, 2020

Well, Girl by Jami Amerine

Well, Girl by Jami Amerine is an interesting read. Jami takes us through her journey of self esteem, blame, shame and finally acceptance.  Jami shares her story in a passionate and heartfelt way.  Jami does not share a "tell all" diet, but instead, shares her journey throughout the years, which has included many diets, the blame game, and ultimately healing.

I had never read anything by Jami and did find this book interesting. It was a little all over the place as far as topic, even sharing added material after under revision in the publishing process.  I do think many women will relate to this book and it's content.  This is not just for women who struggle with their weight, but rather all women on acceptance and knowing their identity in Christ.

I found Jami's story interesting. I received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Stand All the Way Up Burn It All Down by Sophie Hudson

 Stand All the Way Up: Stories of Staying In It When You Want to Burn It All Down by Sophie Hudson is a great collection of stories written by famous author, better known as BooMama.  Although I had never read anything by BooMama, I did enjoy this book.  Sophie shares stories and humor and tends to "tell it like it is"!

Each chapter features a different topic of encouragement shared by Sophie. She tackles such ideas as friendships, racism, parenting, working and many other aspects of life.  Sophie also takes a hard look at racism and much that is going on in the world today. Sophie tends to share in a relatable and enjoyable way. 

I did enjoy this book and would recommend it. I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review, which I was happy to do!