The Juliet Code is part of the Freddie and Grace mystery series by Pepper Basham. This story tells the tale of missing paintings as part of a collection set in the historic city of Venice. Freddie and Grace have finally arrived on their honeymoon. They are looking forward to spending time together. However, they quickly learn of a mystery of several paintings that make up the Juliet series. Several of these paintings have been lost with a very high risk, most significantly death. They run into their friend Jack, who is working on the mystery of the Juliet paintings. Of course, Freddie and Grace are eager to help. However, is it worth the risk? Should they stop their honeymoon and help out Jack? What type of adventures await them?
This is definitely a true fiction Christian romance mystery. There are lots of details to discover in the story. I have to say I was a bit confused at times, but in the end, the story did come together. I did find it an enjoyable read. I would recommend to those who definitely prefer mystery.