Monday, September 23, 2019

The Complicated Heart by Sara Mae

I loved this book! The story Sarah shares in The Complicated Heart, will grip your heart! I have to be honest, I read it in less than 24 hours! It was a combination of "I couldn't put it down" and for me, it was a quick read.

Sarah Mae shares the journey of her childhood, filled with many tragic circumstances, mainly looking for love and a place to fit in. Sarah can see how her family history affects her mother's love, which Sarah desperately longs for. Her mother's addiction to alcohol gets in the way of having a loving mother.  Throughout Sarah's life, however, God has His hand on her and plants seeds of drawing Sarah to Him.

Sarah shares her honest story and starts off letting the reader know that this book is not suited for all readers. There is some graphic content, but it is real. Sarah shares her story of God's redemption to both her and her mother.  The book is filled with Sarah's personal journal entries/throughts/feelings, as well as those of her mother's.

You will be challenged to think, look at yourself and those around you as you read The Complicated Heart by Sarah Mae.

I highly recommend this book! I am thankful I was given a free copy by the publisher for my honest review. It was definitely worth reading!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

You Belong with Me by Tari Faris

Hannah cares so much. About her town, about her friends and about, well, just about anything or anyone. Hannah loves to take care of others and help them out. Sometimes her helping out can be taken as trying to fix someone. And that someone happens to be her childhood friend, Luke.

I had the opportunity to ready You Belong With Me by Tari Faris.  Through many different characters, Tari Faris, weaves Hannah's story, Luke's story and the story of several others through her small Michigan town. Tari will have you captivated as you read You Belong With Me. In fact, there were so many different twists and turns, I could not put in down.  I highly recommend this for beach reading, long weekend, or just for plain enjoyment!

I throughly enjoyed the plot and characters in You Belong With Me.  I was given a free copy of You Belong With Me from the publisher for my honest review, which I was happy to do!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Take Back Your Time!

Take Back Your Time by Morgan Tyree is a good resource for understanding and examining your schedule and your time. In Take Back Your Time, Morgan gives practical tips and insights on how to see where you are spending your time, when you are most productive and how to work more effectively. 

While this book does not offer many suggestions of how to reduce your schedule (there are a few) it does encourage you to look at when you are most effective, and what does matter most to you. Morgan offers thought provoking insight. Morgan writes, “Ladies, I encourage you to stay in your own lane of life. God wants you to be good at what you are good at! You are unique and therefore your time is personal. “ 

I did learn some new tips and tricks for time management and appreciated the tips listed at the end of each chapter. 

I was given a free copy of Take Back Your Time from the publisher for my honest review which I was happy to do. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The View From Rock Bottom: Discovering God's Embrace in Our Pain and Suffering.

The View From Rock Bottom: Discovering God's Embrace is Our Pain is it telling story by Stephanie Tait. She shares her journey of undiagnosed Lyme disease, infertility, miscarriages, financial concerns and other pain that she has experienced. Stephanie Tait shares her story but also uses scripture and Biblical lessons to complement her experiences.

I did enjoy The View From Rock Bottom.  I was challenged by what she wrote. I’m not sure I agree with all of it, however that is part of what makes a good book. It makes you think. Stephanie does challenge the church to re-examine how they help and encourage those who are suffering. She also looks at the reality that sometimes there is no earthly healing. This is a focus of her book. Stephanie takes a hard look at what scripture says.

As I was reading this book, I did think of several others I would like to purchase the for!

This book will make you think. And challenge your views on those who are dealing with chronic disease as well as other ongoing medical conditions. I was given a free copy of the view from rock-bottom from the Harvest House Publishers for my honest review. Which I was happy to do. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Post Script!

A Post Script to a previous post.

One day, I was at the local place that periodically hosts yard sales. As one who loves thrift shopping and never knowing what this location will have for sale, I stopped in.  To my surprise I found a cookbook from my (current) child's elementary school. The cookbook was from 28 years ago!

Intrigued, I picked up the cook book and purchased it. (Or maybe I should say, I'm a sucker for stuff?)  Once home I looked through the book. Imagine my surprise when I found the recipe for {my} peanut butter balls.  I then looked closer and imagine even more surprise when I realized WHO had placed the recipe!

At our Moms In Prayer group, we have some precious grandmas who join us. One precious grandma was integral in starting the group. In fact, I should be thanking her weekly because many years ago she approached the same church we still meet in to pray and asked to use the facilities. (Thankfully I don't have to have my house ready each week! Whew!)

I looked at the recipe and it was this precious grandma, who has been praying for all these years, who placed the recipe in the elementary school cookbook 28 years ago.

I can't wait to see how God continues to use these peanut butter balls!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Finding Lady Enderly by Joanna Davidson Poliano

That's how I would describe this book. I throughly enjoyed reading Finding Lady Enderly by Joanna Davidson Politano!  This novel (which by the way, is not a short novel! Bonus that you have more to read!) will draw you in and keep your attention.

Poor Raina is just a rag woman. Her love has been lost out at sea, but she dreams of the day they will be reunited. Then she snaps back to reality and realizes he is gone. One day, a stranger comes across her path and offers her the opportunity to have a Cinderella type life. Should she take it? If so what will the consequences be? Whatever happened to Lady Enderly?

This 367 page novel will keep you guessing and reading to find out what happens next! I could not put in down and never anticipated the twists and turns that unfolded!  I enjoyed this beautiful story and would highly recommend.  I was given a free copy from the publisher for my honest review, which I was happy to do!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Raising Successful Teens by Jeffrey Dean

What an amazing book!  Wow! I have to admit I didn't think I needed to read this book, BUT I am so glad I did! Jeffrey Dean offers great insight into the world of teenagers. AND, I would recommend this book for parents of children ages six to eighteen! Why? Because there is so much great insight that parents should plan ahead for the teen years!

In Raising Successful Teens, Jeffrey Dean offers practical ways to connect with your teenager. Will they all work? No, but there are many good suggestions and ideas. I found myself taking notes and printing off information form the author's website!

I would encourage parents of younger children to plan ahead by reading this book and coming up with strategies and even personal convictions of how they will parent your teen through the upcoming years. However, I found this book was also relevant to parents of children who are already teenagers. I was challenged and given some additional resources!

I was given a free copy of Raising Successful Teens by Jeffrey Dean by the publisher for my honest review,  which I was happy to do.