Thursday, August 29, 2024

Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox

 Joey finds herself entangled by her family's drama, and feels rather isolated and alone. Past hurts and heartaches prevent her from moving on. She tries to overcome the obstacles by operating her own business when her friend suggests she suddenly take an undeniably incredible yet surprising opportunity to become a temporary keeper at a decommissioned lighthouse on a North Carolina island. This unheard of adventure peaks her interest, and Joey delights in the history and restoration of the lighthouse. Finn, on the other hand, thinks his grandfather is crazy for restoring the lighthouse from his youth. However, the story that unfolds shares a rich and deep history with an amazing plot. 

I thoroughly enjoyed Between the Sound and Sea. The story was amazing timeline of historical and yet fictional events. I assumed I had the plot figured out, but true to a great novel, I did not. Amanda Cox again produces a thrilling piece that will keep the reader engaged. I highly recommend between the sound and see.

Tracking Tilly by Janice Thompson

Tracking Tilly by Janice Thompson shares the tale of RaeLyn and her grandfather’s beloved antique truck. Her grandfather sold the truck years ago to help pay for his cancer treatments. Her grandfather then passed without ever seeing his truck again. RaeLyn has always dreamed of restoring the beloved truck. RaeLyn wins the truck at an auction spending more than she anticipated. Arrangements are made for the truck to come home. However just before it is to be towed the truck is stolen. RaeLyn and her close knit family spend their time looking for the beloved vehicle. Mason, RaeLyn's former boyfriend, has also recently moved to town. He offers to help with the truck restoration but with the truck stolen he finds new ways to catch up and interact with RaeLyn. 

Tracking Tilly has great story elements and twists and turns. I did not anticipate how the mystery would end. I did enjoy this cozy fiction, suspense, mystery, Christian story. A great enjoyable read.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Until Our Time Comes by Nicole M. Miller

Until Our Time Comes by Nicole M. Miller is a novel of World War II in Poland. This historical fiction romance novel shares the amazing story of American horse trainer, Adia, who is very skilled with horses. Adia is amazing working with Arabian horses, training them, breeding them and caring for them. Bret has literally bumped into Adia but cannot connect with her. His work as an undercover agent gathering intelligence for Britain suddenly takes him away. Some time later Bret returns and instantly connects with Adia. Over time, Bret and Adia, along with many others risk their lives not just for each other, but for many families as well as their beloved horses. 

I was amazed at the story of Until Our Time Comes. This book will definitely captivate horse lovers, however, I was surprised at how it also captivated the general reader. Following Adia and Bret's adventures enlightens the reader to no only some of the history of World War II but also the significance and importance of saving the spectacular Arabian horses. Readers will enjoy following along on their adventures and anticipating how the tale will end. I throughly enjoyed Until Our Time Comes by Nicole Miller. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Her Part to Play by Jenny Erlingsson

Her Part to Play by Jenny Erlingsson is the realistic fiction story of Adanne and her role as a makeup artist. Adanne finds herself on set with the man who had a significant negative impact on her previous experiences, including being the cause of her being fired. Adanne tenses whenever she works with John, but knows she needs this job. Adanne is also preoccupied by her nephew, who is in the hospital. Combine that with her parent's legacy to operate the local community center and give back to others around her., and Adanne is pulled in so many directions. Can she handle working with John? Whenever she is around John, she sees that he is different than he was in the past. However, can she get past the hurt and his fame? Can you even stand to be around him? John, on the other hand, struggles with his former life and is looking to continue in the path of his new life. It isn't easy but he is determined to persevere. 

Her Part to Play is an amazing story line that will keep you reading. I felt this book would make an excellent movie and hope that one day it becomes one. I loved the story line and happy ending in the end. Jenny Erlingsson writes in a compelling way that will keep the reader engaged and wanting more. I highly recommend. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Mary's Calico Hope by Anne Blackburne

Mary's Calico Hope by Anne Blackburne is part of The Heart of the Amish series. Mary Yoder survives in her world. She does not thrive. The tragic buggy accident that killed her father years ago has also affected Mary. Her daily use of crutches to walk is a constant reminder. Mary is content, but life is not ideal. She lives next door to her mother, brothers and stepfather. She makes do. Mary longs for companionship and a normal life. Along comes Reuben King. Reuben was raised Amish, but now is Mennonite. He is also the new doctor in town, replacing the retired former doctor. Mary and Reuben experience an instant, but forbidden attraction. Reuben is Mennonite and Mary is Amish. It is simply not possible for them to be together, or it is?

I found Mary's Calico Hope to be an entertaining and enjoyable story. I have read several books in Amish genre and Mary's Calico was unique. I did appreciate the accuracy. You will find there is some Amish jargon, which can be difficult to understand at times, but it does contribute to the story. The twists and turns of the story were enthralling. I found Mary's Calico Hope to be a delightful read and do recommend. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Song of the Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart

The Song of the Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gebhart shares the tale of Mira Dean's simple life as a schoolteacher who goes through the rhythms of daily life. She pours herself into her students while grieving the loss of her fiance who died after a long battle with tuberculosis. Mira lives her ordinary life in 1910, when suddenly Gordon Covington, a missionary, shows up at Sunday church service. Gordon has not seen Mira since their days long ago at school, when he suddenly, boldly, asks Mira to marry him and join him in the mountain area of Sourwood teaching the children and joining Gordon in mission work. Mira is taken about at this ridiculous idea. Why would she ever leave her comfortable life in her town? When Mira's life turns upside down, Mira is faced with decisions. What will she decide? Will she ever come to truly love Gordon?

The Song of Sourwood Mountain was a fascinating read. I could not put it down and couldn't wait to read the rest of the story. It does focus more on Mira's relationship with Gordon and her life in the town of Sourwood and briefly touches on her heartbreak with her late fiance. Ann writes in such a way that tugs at your emotions and keeps the reader engaged. This book was enthralling and and kept me reading on. It features romance and historical fiction. I would highly recommend The Song of Sourwood Mountain. I can't wait for Ann's next book.

Friday, May 17, 2024

The Girl From the Hidden Forest by Hannah Linder

To say I couldn't put this mystery, romance fiction work down would be an understatement. I found this book so intriguing. Eliza Ellis was raised in the forest by her beloved "father" the Captain. Eliza knew no different than her world in the forest and the world she read about in so many books. One day in intruder comes to her safe space and takes her away. Eliza has no idea what is going on or even how to adapt to her new world. Now she is being told her "father", the Captain, is not her father but rather Lord Ellis is her father. And what has happened to her mother? What are the reoccurring nightmares she has? Will she ever fully understand why she has had nightmares for so many years. So much is being revealed to Eliza and she is not sure she wants to confront any of it. 

This book is romance, historical and mystery all wrapped into one. I found myself completely intrigued by the story line, but also mystified. Some of it was unbelievable, but it was also believable in a way. So very intriguing. Hannah writes in a way the will have the reader coming back for more in an otherwise unbelievable story. I thoroughly enjoyed The Girl From the Hidden Forest by Hannah Linder.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Lady with the Dark Hair by Erin Bartels

The Lady with the Dark Hair by Erin Bartels is a dual timeline fiction story set in 1879 and present day. It shares the tale of two believed to be family members, one discovering art, and one preserving art from the past. Viviana has lived a difficult life in the late 1800s. She desperately wants to know how to survive as a female in a male dominated world. She wants to express herself despite the difficult past she has been through. Esther, who lives in present day, has struggled through preserving the heritage of art in her family. She also must take care of her mother, who has a mental illness. When their worlds collide and the truth is revealed, Esther realizes her life is not all she thought it was.

This dual timeline story was a bit difficult to follow, but I did enjoy it for the most part. Erin Bartels is in a accomplished author who does share excellent stories. Her style is intriguing and I did enjoy the story. This is a great read, especially for those who enjoy art history. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Never Fall Again by Lynn H. Blackburn

Never Fall Again by Lynn H Blackburn lives up to her thrilling and suspenseful writing style. Landry Hutton (who I keep treading her name as Laundry!). Has spent three years rebuilding her life pretty much in seclusion. She’s an artist at a  high-end resort catering to the high-end guests. She’s the artist in residence making well-known pottery pieces, which provides for her and her daughter, Eliza.  Once stable,  she ventures out to build a new home. She meets Cal and instantly they hit it off. However, Landry is not one to trust those around her. Certainly not a man after her experiences with her late abusive husband. However, Landry finds herself falling in love with Cal. Cal is not one to easily trust women given his past experiences. Will he be able to trust as well? Can they deny this love? Will they risk it?

This thrilling novel will keep you on your toes. I kept reading to try and figure out who was causing issues and wanted to destroy Landry and Cal's relationship. It’s not until the end that the villain is reveal. This was an excellent read. I highly recommend Never Fall Again. This is the first book in the Gossamer Falls collection and it's off to a great start!

Monday, March 25, 2024

When the Flames Ravaged by Rhona Dragomir

When the Flames Ravaged by Rhonda Dragomir is the fascinating historical fiction of the deadly fire at the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus in Hartford, Connecticut. The circus comes to town, and everyone is very excited. Especially Evelyn Benson, as well as her brother, her sister-in-law, her niece and nephew. Evelyn has already had enough tragedy, losing her husband in World War II. She is highly anticipating taking a day off of work for the circus. Although the clowns are quite amusing; when they first visit the diner she works at a day before the circus not so much. Hank, one of the clowns, finds something absolutely fascinating about Evelyn. However, would Evelyn take a chance with him if she knew about his past? Is God something to be considered? What role will faith and love play in this? How could such a fun event as a circus turn so devastating?

I was absolutely fascinated by this Day to Remember Story. This historical Christian romance fiction is a great tale. Readers will keep coming back for more especially in the series. I really appreciated how the author takes a historical event and works it into a piece of fiction. I enjoyed learning about this fateful day but with a fiction twist. I highly recommend When the Flames Ravage as a very interesting and educational novel.